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- ===========================================================================
- WARNING: If you do not read the information presented in this readme file,
- you will have problems installing the drivers.
- ===========================================================================
- Advanced Gravis Computer Technology Ltd.
- Gravis UltraSound (GF1) Windows 95 Drivers V1.1 (GF195V11.ZIP)
- Copyright (C) 1996 by Advanced Gravis Computer Technology Ltd.
- All Rights Reserved
- ===========================================================================
- Introduction
- ------------
- These files set up the Windows 95 drivers for the Gravis UltraSound
- family of sound cards based on the GF1 chip: UltraSound Classic,
- UltraSound MAX and UltraSound ACE. The new UltraSound products based on
- the AMD InterWave chip, ie the UltraSound Plug & Play and UltraSound Plug
- & Play Pro, come with Windows 95 drivers that are specific to them.
- Stay tuned for many more exciting Gravis developments including the newly
- shipped UltraSound Plug & Play, UltraSound Plug & Play Pro, Thunderbird,
- Mac Firebird (w/new handle), and of course our new 4-player GrIP MultiPort
- System with 8-button GrIP-Pads. As you can see its been a very busy year,
- and we would like to thank you for your continuing support.
- Content
- -------
- SETUP.EXE GF1 Driver Setup program
- FOLDER.EXE Folder update program
- SETRSC.EXE Resources setup program
- _INST32I.EX_
- GRVSULTR.VXD Ring 0 portion of the UltraSound driver
- ULTRASND.INF UltraSound setup information file
- ULTRASND.DRV UltraSound driver
- README.EXE Readme viewer
- README. This File
- Installation Steps
- ------------------
- The following list of instructions is an addendum to your existing
- UltraSound manuals.
- 1) You need to have your UltraSound card working in DOS. A good way
- to verify that you have done this successfully is to run MIDIDEMO
- from your UltraSound directory. If you hear music, this means your
- MIDI patches and card are configured correctly.
- You will also need to record what your UltraSound settings are.
- You can do this by typing SET from the DOS prompt. Note the
- variable called ULTRASND. There will be a series of 5 numbers after
- the equal sign. The numbers are in the following order.
- Example: ULTRASND=220,1,1,11,7
- Baseport Address, DMA1, DMA2, IRQ1, IRQ2
- These settings will be required by Windows 95 for a proper
- installation, so be sure to write these down.
- 2) Load up Windows 95
- 3) Run SETUP.EXE from the directory where you had unzipped the files,
- eg. C:\TEMP (The setup program will guide you through the proper
- steps to set up the new GF1 driver).
- Hints & Tricks
- --------------
- 1) First thing first. Go back to Step 1 of "Installation Steps".
- Ensure that you go through each step.
- 2) Make sure that you have the following lines in your Autoexec.bat file
- EXACTLY as shown (Keep the X's as shown). The SET BLASTER line MUST
- contain the usual numbers. Here is a sample UltraSound initialization
- section from an AUTOEXEC.BAT:
- @SET ULTRADIR=C:\ULTRASND (or whatever directory the
- DOS software is installed.)
- @SET BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 T1
- @SET ULTRA16=XXX,X,X,X,X (UltraSound MAX cards only)
- Please note that the numeric settings and directory names vary among
- machines, and it is very probable that you have a different settings
- from the sample section above.
- 2) When recording from a Mic, Line or CD input, be sure you have set
- your recording source correctly. You can get to this in the
- UltraSound property sheet from the Control Panel/System applet.
- 3) Ensure that you are using the same settings in DOS as you are in
- Windows 95. This will avoid any conflicts later when running DOS
- games under Windows 95.
- Troubleshooting
- ----------------
- 1) First thing first. Go back to Step 1 of "Installation Steps".
- Ensure that you go through each step.
- 2) If you do not get sounds from a game, try using low IRQ's (i.e 7
- and 5). If you still don't get sound, it may be that the game
- will not produce sound on the UltraSound card whether a Windows 95
- driver is present or not. To be sure, you can unload the driver
- and try the game in a DOS Box without drivers. Basically, if the
- game doesn't work without a Windows '95 sound driver installed,
- there isn't much we can do to help with a sound driver installed.
- 3) If MIDI music is working but you get no digital (WAV) audio, make
- sure you do not have an IRQ or DMA conflict. Using the Control
- Panel/System applet, go to the UltraSound property sheet and adjust
- the resources to ones that are not in conflict.
- 4) Win 95 may not show all resource conflicts. If you encounter any
- problems, verify that the same settings work under real DOS (not a
- DOS box in Win 95).
- 5) If you don't get sound, make sure that you have disabled "Automatic
- Configuration" in the Resources Tab in the device manager for the
- Ultrasound.
- 6) Also be sure that the "Original Configuration (Current)" check box
- is checked in the Device Usage section of the General Tab in the
- Device Manager.
- 7) If Windows doesn't boot up for some reason, try booting in safe mode
- and then removing the drivers manually. After completing this process
- (including rebooting afterward), try re-installing the drivers.
- Known Problems
- --------------
- 1) You will not be able to get the UltraSound Mixer and Configuration
- utility to work under Windows 95. These are 16-bit applications that
- were intended only for Windows 3.x and will not work under Windows 95.
- The setup progam will remove the associated icons for these utilities,
- so that you will not run them by accident.
- 2) These drivers do not come with their own midi map configuration.
- If you are presented a choice between UltraSound MIDI Synth and MIDI
- Mapper, choose UltraSound MIDI Synth, or create your own MIDI Map.
- 3) Note: In the Windows 95 Volume Control, some controls appear on the
- mixer but are not active. This is normal. The Volume Control applet
- does not hide the controls that are not supported by the card. As
- well, all of the controls may not be visible when the Volume Control
- applet is run initially. To enable any of these controls, select
- OPTIONS/PROPERTIES in the Volume Control applet, and then enable the
- controls you would like to see on the mixer.
- 4) The option in the Multimedia Options screen entitled "Enable Volume
- Control On TaskBar" is not enabled. This is because this function is
- for controlling the master volume on the card. Because there is no
- master volume hardware on the card, this control is disabled. This
- is normal, and is not a defect in the driver.
- Bug Reporting and Tech Support
- ------------------------------
- Any problems encountered should be directed to Tech Support, via the
- following tech support channels:
- Internet: tech@gravis.com
- Voice: (604) 431-1807
- Fax: (604) 451-9358
- Compuserve: GO PCVENB #14 71333,350